By logging in with LinkedIn, you'll automatically sign up for our service. We respect your privacy and only reference your LinkedIn profile photo and email address to personalize your experience. We will never email you unless necessary and will never sell your email or any other data. You can delete your account anytime, hassle-free.
Log Into Minerva below:
Scroll down for account FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Let's discuss what makes Minerva special
Why must I use LinkedIn to access Minerva?
It's a natural fit - you're a professional and LinkedIn is a network of professionals. LinkedIn has stringent security features that we appreciate.
What data does Minerva access via LinkedIn?
When you log in using LinkedIn, Minerva has the ability to reference your email address and your headshot.
Does Minerva store any of my data?
How do I close my account?
In your account settings, simply choose the option to "delete my account"
How much does Minerva cost?
Minerva is a prepaid monthly Saas offering.
What if I really cannot use LinkedIn?
Our team is considering other methods to log into the service, but we don't envision any alternatives to be functional until 2026 at the earliest. The topic is on our roadmap.
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